
Manager sharing video of workplace accident

Just want to vent and get some feedback. An older coworker tried picking up two stacked pallets of beverages with a tow motor, then realized his mistake, slammed on the brake, and the pallet fell on top of the tow motor. He was totally fine, but drenched and had to work the rest of the day in soaking clothes, getting balls busted by coworkers. He could have died. Anyways, he had a heart attack the next day. I don’t know his current condition as of right now but I’m sure it was stress induced. Our operations manager is now sending around the video of the incident and laughing about it with everyone like it’s a meme. It’s not in my nature to go to HR about it, but man I would like to ruin his day somehow. They also put a freeze frame of the accident in the break room…

Just want to vent and get some feedback. An older coworker tried picking up two stacked pallets of beverages with a tow motor, then realized his mistake, slammed on the brake, and the pallet fell on top of the tow motor. He was totally fine, but drenched and had to work the rest of the day in soaking clothes, getting balls busted by coworkers. He could have died. Anyways, he had a heart attack the next day. I don’t know his current condition as of right now but I’m sure it was stress induced.

Our operations manager is now sending around the video of the incident and laughing about it with everyone like it’s a meme. It’s not in my nature to go to HR about it, but man I would like to ruin his day somehow.

They also put a freeze frame of the accident in the break room as a “safety lesson”. Seems unnecessary— not many people are going to make that same mistake. Only a couple of them use a tow motor out of the entire company.

Is ANY of this okay? My blood is boiling a bit.

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