
Manager steals tips; one upvote and he gets my 2 weeks today.

Edit: I am going to quit tonight. Not even finish my shift. He’s getting my keys and uniform and im gone. Thank you guys for the words and the help! I’ve been working since I was 14 under incredibly shitty bosses so I never realized how illegal his actions were. I’m going to call him out tonight and leave during my shift. I truly do appreciate you guys. Ill update it when i do quit :)! Sorry for the format, I am on a phone. Your guys’ favorite thing to hear. I recently started work at a pizza place in Washington state. I should’ve known my interview was a red flag when the entire time my manager talked about his medical issues. A delivery driver ended up quitting a few weeks after I started because of the verbal degradation our manager was giving him. ‘This boy went to college but…

Edit: I am going to quit tonight. Not even finish my shift. He’s getting my keys and uniform and im gone. Thank you guys for the words and the help! I’ve been working since I was 14 under incredibly shitty bosses so I never realized how illegal his actions were. I’m going to call him out tonight and leave during my shift. I truly do appreciate you guys. Ill update it when i do quit :)!

Sorry for the format, I am on a phone. Your guys’ favorite thing to hear.
I recently started work at a pizza place in Washington state. I should’ve known my interview was a red flag when the entire time my manager talked about his medical issues.
A delivery driver ended up quitting a few weeks after I started because of the verbal degradation our manager was giving him. ‘This boy went to college but is too fucking dumb to remember what’s garlic butter’ type stuff. he verbally insults everyone that walks into the shop to or behind there face. I should’ve left then but I stayed.
I made 30 cents more than Min wage for being a TL. (which he took away january first) and I thought everything was okay. until it was me and him working one night and we made over 1k in food. I received $105 worth of tips that night and my manager gave me 45$ which really made me mad since he was told not to take tips by his boss.
My final straw was last night. from 11am to 9 pm we made 34$ in tips total. At 7pm when my manager left we had made 24$ in tips and he decided to take 30$ out of the till leaving me with a 2$ tip at 9 pm. He stole money from the store. He continued to take tips when he didn’t do any work.
The entire crew is quitting because of how shitty he treats us.

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