
Manager tells my personal business to others

Sorry in advance I’m not the greatest story teller. Anyways, when I was 18 I worked at this Job where The girl who trained me, which in this I’ll call her Jenna, was super nice to me when I first started. She’d always talk to me, act like a close friend and all that. But I realized she was ALWAYS talking badly about another new employee that started right before me. She’d constantly put him down and tell me that I’m doing so much better than he is. I was always really nice to him, he was a really nice guy and honestly worked really hard. He ended up quitting not long after, and that’s when she turned her anger (I guess?) towards me. All of a sudden she acted like I was the WORST employee ever. Which side note, everyone knew I worked really hard and was a good…

Sorry in advance I’m not the greatest story teller. Anyways, when I was 18 I worked at this Job where The girl who trained me, which in this I’ll call her Jenna, was super nice to me when I first started. She’d always talk to me, act like a close friend and all that. But I realized she was ALWAYS talking badly about another new employee that started right before me. She’d constantly put him down and tell me that I’m doing so much better than he is. I was always really nice to him, he was a really nice guy and honestly worked really hard.
He ended up quitting not long after, and that’s when she turned her anger (I guess?) towards me. All of a sudden she acted like I was the WORST employee ever. Which side note, everyone knew I worked really hard and was a good worker.
She ended up getting promoted to head of the department that we worked on, which really only meant she was in charge of making the schedule and a couple of extra tasks. ANYWAYS, the power really got to her head. I told her 2 months in advance that my moms wedding (which I was planning the WHOLE thing so I couldn’t really miss it nor did I want to miss it) was a certain day, and she scheduled me for that day. I told her it wasn’t happening and a coworker of mine took my shift without hesitation because they knew I had already asked for this off.
I could go on and on about the crappy things she did, but the final straw that made me quit was this. One day I pulled her and my actual boss aside and told them that I just found out my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and that if something were to happen while I was at work I’d have to go. I told them that it was private for me and that I was only telling them in case.
My coworker a few days later who I guess Jenna didn’t realize I was really close friends with, told me that she heard Jenna going around telling every one of my coworkers that I was lying about my dad having cancer. I didn’t tell anyone else that my dad was sick, but my friend/coworker actually met my dad and knew how sick he was so she stood up for me.
Needless to say I quit pretty quick, and Jenna must have felt pretty stupid a month or 2 later when she saw on Facebook that my dad died.

Sorry for the long story with pointless details, it was just a story that bugs me SO much and wanted to share it somewhere.

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