
Manager threatened to fire me for clocking out at my scheduled time

i was scheduled to leave work at 3 and had to pick my daughter up from a family members house at 4, i went to go clock out at 3 like i was supposed to and the manager walks up and asks what i’m doing, i say i’m going home cause i’m scheduled to leave at 3. He comes back with “well if you leave now you’re not welcome back we’re short staffed and there’s not a replacement for your station coming in until 5” then why was i scheduled to leave at 3? why wasn’t the other guy scheduled to come in at 4 or even earlier? that’s managements fault and i told the guy “if you’d of told me earlier i could’ve possibly made some arrangements but i already have plans” so he brings me into his office and starts talking about me losing my job and me…

i was scheduled to leave work at 3 and had to pick my daughter up from a family members house at 4, i went to go clock out at 3 like i was supposed to and the manager walks up and asks what i’m doing, i say i’m going home cause i’m scheduled to leave at 3. He comes back with “well if you leave now you’re not welcome back we’re short staffed and there’s not a replacement for your station coming in until 5” then why was i scheduled to leave at 3? why wasn’t the other guy scheduled to come in at 4 or even earlier? that’s managements fault and i told the guy “if you’d of told me earlier i could’ve possibly made some arrangements but i already have plans” so he brings me into his office and starts talking about me losing my job and me paying child support, me and my daughters mother are together so no clue why he mentioned that. I’m really on the verge of quitting, i can’t go to the bathroom for 2 minutes without someone pounding on the door telling me to hurry, i always get talked down on because i’m young even though i work better than the majority of my coworkers, and the baby killing owner always comes in drunk talking shit.Working this job makes me an angry person, when i’m at work and the owner comes in all i can think about is wanting to bash his skull into the pavement. i feel like i’m going fucking insane

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