
Manager told me “the team and I don’t think you have the mental stamina for this job”

I (21F) was hired right out of college to be an analyst. When I got there, there were 3 other girls on my team also hired out of college. They’ve been there longer so my team was ages 23-27 and i felt like I was in high school all over again. Not a big deal because I’m just there for work but the oldest would invite everyone but me to lunch and they’d all literally walk in the elevator with me then get in the same car while I parted ways. My favorite is one girl had her masters in Leadership but didn’t help me when I asked and said “you should know this by now.” The manager kept saying to go shadow the girls but when I messaged on Teams to see what they were up to no one would answer me! I tried my best too, I was…

I (21F) was hired right out of college to be an analyst. When I got there, there were 3 other girls on my team also hired out of college. They’ve been there longer so my team was ages 23-27 and i felt like I was in high school all over again. Not a big deal because I’m just there for work but the oldest would invite everyone but me to lunch and they’d all literally walk in the elevator with me then get in the same car while I parted ways. My favorite is one girl had her masters in Leadership but didn’t help me when I asked and said “you should know this by now.” The manager kept saying to go shadow the girls but when I messaged on Teams to see what they were up to no one would answer me! I tried my best too, I was making functions to help the team out and trying to do extra where I could. I was also required to study for a license outside of work for this job and getting paid 40k. After 5 months my manager pulled me to the side and said she talked to the other girls (who don’t talk to me) and they all thought I didn’t have the mental stamina for this job. I opened up about what was going on (not in a distasteful way) and the manager ended up just hovering over me, literally watching my screen and getting irritated with every little thing I did. I quit next day and this was exactly one year ago.

I got my AA degree at 17 years old and Bachelors in Statistics at 20 years old so I’ve never doubted my mental stamina and knew that was garbage.

I took that time to study for Actuary exams and now I (22F) have a $66.5k job with way less work so they can all suck on that lol

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