
Manager told me to clock out and then stay for 20 more minutes.

I worked part time at a chain store. 2nd shift in and I’m closing and when we are all done we go to clock out and the manager tells me that they have to wait to get picked up (they can’t drive) and I need to stay with them at the store because there is a policy of a minimum of 2 people in the store at all times. So I said yes because I wasn’t doing anything the rest of the night and hey more time. But they told me to clock out and that’s where I was surprised. I didn’t argue as they said it’s the rules, instead I chose to stay and ask them more questions about how the store’s management runs things etc. So apparently all of the store management is aware of this practice that only this one manager does because they don’t have a…

I worked part time at a chain store. 2nd shift in and I’m closing and when we are all done we go to clock out and the manager tells me that they have to wait to get picked up (they can’t drive) and I need to stay with them at the store because there is a policy of a minimum of 2 people in the store at all times. So I said yes because I wasn’t doing anything the rest of the night and hey more time. But they told me to clock out and that’s where I was surprised. I didn’t argue as they said it’s the rules, instead I chose to stay and ask them more questions about how the store’s management runs things etc. So apparently all of the store management is aware of this practice that only this one manager does because they don’t have a car. This is also the manager that closes the store most of the week. Also it seems silly like why don’t they just go wait outside (it’s summer and a safe area), instead of taking others time even if it were to be paid (which it’s not). So I found another job and quit this job. I didn’t give them my 2 weeks because I honestly just felt disrespected and don’t want to work at a place that is taking advantage of its employees by not paying them for time spent. I’m not looking for praise just wanted to ask and see if you guys think I wasn’t too immature. I have always been respectful with my past jobs and put in my 2 weeks but I had 2 more closing shifts this week and wasn‘t going to stay for free.

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