
Manager trying to get me fired

Basically my manager is trying to get me fired. She has never respected me and I feel like there is an underlying feeling of hatred and jealousy under all of this. I started to take FMLA and ever since then I feel like she has been amping things up trying to get me fired. I am a librarian and I have my masters. Tell me why she thinks it’s ok to have me double record my lunches and breaks on a sheet of paper I have to hand to her or the other librarian (who is considered to be on my level at the job)? She only did it to belittle me because it’s the same form we give to students (the lowest paid position) to clock out for their breaks. I tried to tell her no and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I left early sick…

Basically my manager is trying to get me fired. She has never respected me and I feel like there is an underlying feeling of hatred and jealousy under all of this.

I started to take FMLA and ever since then I feel like she has been amping things up trying to get me fired. I am a librarian and I have my masters. Tell me why she thinks it’s ok to have me double record my lunches and breaks on a sheet of paper I have to hand to her or the other librarian (who is considered to be on my level at the job)? She only did it to belittle me because it’s the same form we give to students (the lowest paid position) to clock out for their breaks. I tried to tell her no and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I left early sick that day. Now I’m up all night cause she wanted to smear my name to her boss and the director saying I was abandoning my job.

The thing is she or the library can fire me but I’m gonna sue. First of all I’m on FMLA. Second, I’m on contract and was chosen by the director and board to get my masters. I’ve always had stellar reviews until this manager. She’s trying to defame my character and my reputation I spent 8 years of my youth building up (I’m 24 now). Third, I already spoke to a lawyer and they said the company owes me an extra 5k per my contract.

I’m gonna stay till they fire me. Tired of fucking around with office bullies and letting them think they’ve won. There’s so much more she’s done in the past year and a half but this is the most recent and damaging. I know for a fact the only reason she did it was to belittle and demean me.

She also rescheduled our group photo to a day I’m not in at work and she knows it too. Sent a little email out like “I think everyone’s here that day.” Like wow didn’t know we were still in highschool lady. What makes someone like that care so much? Her life must be shit.

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