
Manager upset I’m doing “homework” he assigned during company time.

So I work in sales My manager is 24 years old. Still lives with his parents and clearly has a mindset he’s still in college. If we don’t hit our KPI’s each day he’ll “assign us homework”. It’s always the same thing. So if I know I won’t hit them that day I do it during company time and send it to him right before I leave. He got upset with me saying that it was home work and shouldn’t be done on company time. Just thought this sub would find this funny as it amuses me when he gets upset.

So I work in sales

My manager is 24 years old. Still lives with his parents and clearly has a mindset he’s still in college.

If we don’t hit our KPI’s each day he’ll “assign us homework”. It’s always the same thing. So if I know I won’t hit them that day I do it during company time and send it to him right before I leave.

He got upset with me saying that it was home work and shouldn’t be done on company time.

Just thought this sub would find this funny as it amuses me when he gets upset.

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