
Managers don’t care why you quit just that they can keep exploiting you as long as they can

My mum works at a school in the kitchen as the head cook, she has had problems with the management (people at the head office who have no contact with any of the children but who ultimately decide the menus and make the executive decisions even if it will affect the children negatively) and the school admins (who get final say in menus and ignore my mum's input when she tells them what the kids will / will not eat and go with what they think is best). She wrote a resignation letter that directly mentioned the school / management lack of respect / support for her and her team and sent it to her school's head and her manager. Head teacher came in to see if there was any way to stop her from leaving, it got better for a week then lapsed back into old habits. Management called…

My mum works at a school in the kitchen as the head cook, she has had problems with the management (people at the head office who have no contact with any of the children but who ultimately decide the menus and make the executive decisions even if it will affect the children negatively) and the school admins (who get final say in menus and ignore my mum's input when she tells them what the kids will / will not eat and go with what they think is best).

She wrote a resignation letter that directly mentioned the school / management lack of respect / support for her and her team and sent it to her school's head and her manager. Head teacher came in to see if there was any way to stop her from leaving, it got better for a week then lapsed back into old habits. Management called and asked if she wanted to transfer into a different position still working for schools in the area, this was mentioned in the letter so obviously they saw 'resignation' in the email header and didn't feel like reading it at all. They also decided that they didn't like her last day being in January so asked that she stay on “until we can find a replacement” (aka: stay where you are for as long as we can keep you as we won't put any effort into replacing you as we know you love the kids and you won't want anything negative to happen to them) so she extended her resignation period for a month but said that that was ABSOLUTELY her final day and there was no way to stop her after that date.

It's horrible that poor management can turn someone's dream job into a complete nightmare. She makes connections with the kids, knows all of them by name, remembers their birthdays, goes above and beyond if a child has a dietary restriction and generally cares so much more than the average dinner lady, and they took advantage of her to the point she hates getting up for work now because she gets taken advantage of. Her pay raises aren't the same as her subordinates (they get £1.50/hr raise and she gets £1.30/hr raise) and this has happened multiple times throughout the years.

I'm glad she's getting out but will be able to transfer to a job where she gets to do the best bits of her job and has more flexible hours. Management has messed up too much and don't deserve her.

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