
Managers yelled at me for not saying please.

I work in a restaurant. A few days ago, I asked one of the cooks for something, proceeded to say thank you so much. One of the chefs came at me and said, “say please next time.” In front of everyone. I replied, “I said thank you, but okay.” I feel like he is undermining my mannerisms, but I admit, please is not in my vocabulary, generally. He then took me in the back and said I was being disrespectful. I told him I will try to remember to say it, however, he doesn't have to talk to me that way in front of the whole staff, and I told him he's not my dad. (Which probably was a mistake) Flash Forward, today, all the chefs are being very rude to me and one yelled at me to say “please and thank you.” Am I being bullied in anyones opinion?…

I work in a restaurant. A few days ago, I asked one of the cooks for something, proceeded to say thank you so much. One of the chefs came at me and said, “say please next time.” In front of everyone. I replied, “I said thank you, but okay.” I feel like he is undermining my mannerisms, but I admit, please is not in my vocabulary, generally. He then took me in the back and said I was being disrespectful. I told him I will try to remember to say it, however, he doesn't have to talk to me that way in front of the whole staff, and I told him he's not my dad. (Which probably was a mistake) Flash Forward, today, all the chefs are being very rude to me and one yelled at me to say “please and thank you.” Am I being bullied in anyones opinion? Am I being sensitive? They don't do this to anyone else as far as I see.

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