
Mandatory blood test: is this legal?

My husband’s work place is requiring a blood test for all employees to check “wellness”. This is nationwide. I do not know if this is for insurance or some company-wide invasion of privacy. I’ll get more details when he is able to poke his head up from the mountains of work he’s buried under to find the email from HR and actually read the details. Generally, is this legal? If so, how TF is this legal? Are there ways to retain his job and decline? Has anyone fought back, and would you be willing to share your thoughts? This is a national company but we are in Texas (whose tradition of slavery and oppression lives on in our employment laws). I feel compelled to point out that this has been a great company in some respects…they fired a racist on the spot and also let go of two managers who…

My husband’s work place is requiring a blood test for all employees to check “wellness”. This is nationwide.

I do not know if this is for insurance or some company-wide invasion of privacy. I’ll get more details when he is able to poke his head up from the mountains of work he’s buried under to find the email from HR and actually read the details.

Generally, is this legal? If so, how TF is this legal?

Are there ways to retain his job and decline?

Has anyone fought back, and would you be willing to share your thoughts?

This is a national company but we are in Texas (whose tradition of slavery and oppression lives on in our employment laws).

I feel compelled to point out that this has been a great company in some respects…they fired a racist on the spot and also let go of two managers who were creating a hostile work environment for a newly-hired trans employee. Their benefits are pretty good and take a stand on the right side of history for all the causes. They are highly rated as one of the best places to work and generally take care of their employees. Also, they don’t drug test during the hiring process and they know they’d lose most of their staff if they did random testing. But I guess they’re also cool with being vampires and inspecting everyone’s blood. Incomprehensible.

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