
Mandatory return to office starting in September

I work for a large telecommunications company in Canada (take a wild guess; we make money off of advertising mental health). Similar with my buddies in the government, we are now being told starting September, in-person work is mandatory twice a week to “promote teamwork”, “productivity”, “innovation”, and whatever bullshit to try and convince us it’s not done for their own bottom line. We’ve been so productive in the last two years and the numbers speak for themselves. So why are we now forced to return to the office? For those of us who go to work, get our own shit done, have no interest in kissing ass to climb the corporate ladder, I truly could not care less about what “benefits” in-person work has for me. Because there is none. I do enjoy having a coffee with my coworkers and chitchats made in the halls, but that will never…

I work for a large telecommunications company in Canada (take a wild guess; we make money off of advertising mental health).

Similar with my buddies in the government, we are now being told starting September, in-person work is mandatory twice a week to “promote teamwork”, “productivity”, “innovation”, and whatever bullshit to try and convince us it’s not done for their own bottom line.

We’ve been so productive in the last two years and the numbers speak for themselves. So why are we now forced to return to the office?

For those of us who go to work, get our own shit done, have no interest in kissing ass to climb the corporate ladder, I truly could not care less about what “benefits” in-person work has for me. Because there is none.

I do enjoy having a coffee with my coworkers and chitchats made in the halls, but that will never be worth more to me than the flexibility and costs saved from working from home.

Let’s not pretend that as soon as they get their two days, it’s going to be three, four, and whatever they can do to keep you under their thumbs.

If there is a revolt. Sign me up!

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