
Maybe I’m not just lazy

I thought I was just lazy, that I didn’t want to work but in all honesty I just don’t want to be exploited. I currently work about 2 days a week (was 5 but reduced due to disability), the job is minimum wage ~$20/h but I’m paid $25/h because I’m casual and don’t get any benefits (Australian requirements). I’ve only been at my workplace for a month or so and although it’s manageable I just can’t live like this for the rest of my life. I usually work from 7-12 and 9:30-1 or 2 on Sunday, last weekend I was asked to start at 8 and figured it must be a busy day but was then asked to leave at 11. I made $75 that day which wasn’t worth it considering fuel costs right now but whatever. I came home and was splitting wood the rest of the day because…

I thought I was just lazy, that I didn’t want to work but in all honesty I just don’t want to be exploited.

I currently work about 2 days a week (was 5 but reduced due to disability), the job is minimum wage ~$20/h but I’m paid $25/h because I’m casual and don’t get any benefits (Australian requirements). I’ve only been at my workplace for a month or so and although it’s manageable I just can’t live like this for the rest of my life.

I usually work from 7-12 and 9:30-1 or 2 on Sunday, last weekend I was asked to start at 8 and figured it must be a busy day but was then asked to leave at 11. I made $75 that day which wasn’t worth it considering fuel costs right now but whatever. I came home and was splitting wood the rest of the day because we like not freezing. Although I spent my morning at work getting paid to literally pick flowers (which is nice except for the back pain) the more exhausting and time consuming stuff felt way more satisfying.

Knowing I was making money for my boss and getting a bit of cash just to spend a third of it on bugs so my lizard can eat sucked. However, doing something so me, my family, and my pets can stay warm left me feeling happy. I loved collecting bugs from the wood to give our chickens, felt glad to shower after finishing up, satisfied by my aching arms. It made me realise I’m not opposed to a hard days work, in fact I quite enjoy the challenge! I love to create and build, work with my hands, enjoy a good puzzle, crunching numbers. I just want my efforts to feel like it was for something and by my own accord.

I really don’t deal with heat well and it’s outside/greenhouse work so I already know I won’t be keeping this job for long, what the hell I’m gonna do afterwards is the concern

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