
Maybe more of a career guidance type deal but nonetheless

My job is 30 minutes from home and I usually work 8 hours or less and I average about 35-36 hours a week. I like it this way, I get a work life balance and home everyday to see my family at a reasonable hour. However, my job recently said that I would have to start going in to the office that’s an hour away two days a week. And that the days there would be 10 hour days. I asked for a raise and the manager was “taken aback”. He was aghast that I would ask for more money and then he said “we have to take care of these patients” which is some bullshit jargon corporate medical uses to guilt employees into retention. He tried to ease my apprehensions by saying they give “substantial raises based on performance in February “ . I know the raises are only…

My job is 30 minutes from home and I usually work 8 hours or less and I average about 35-36 hours a week. I like it this way, I get a work life balance and home everyday to see my family at a reasonable hour. However, my job recently said that I would have to start going in to the office that’s an hour away two days a week. And that the days there would be 10 hour days.

I asked for a raise and the manager was “taken aback”. He was aghast that I would ask for more money and then he said “we have to take care of these patients” which is some bullshit jargon corporate medical uses to guilt employees into retention. He tried to ease my apprehensions by saying they give “substantial raises based on performance in February “ . I know the raises are only 3.5% which is well below inflation and actually a pay cut if they don’t keep up with it. So I said “doesn’t the finance committee decide that stuff months in advance?” And then no one answered me lolololololol

Then my manager called me and told me she could get me like $.50 a mile for the extra 20 miles it takes me to get between those offices even though I won’t even be going to mine on the days I go in.

I work in medicine. I get paid $28 an hour with benefits

So I called a few places and without even a resume found myself talking to the imaging director who offered me $31 an hour with a $3000 signing bonus after 3 months with an 18 month commitment. Bout the same travel time to the office I’m in now, the one close to me, BUT it’s more hours. 8-5 m-f.

How do I have my cake and eat it too?

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