
Maybe this is a question too petty, but… should I take a day off?

I'd like some advice from you folks. Yesterday me and my gf had a fight about me being irresponsible, and I'm not in a good place mentally. I feel like going home for half the shift to take a mental break, but at the same time that would be an irresponsible thing to do and I'll lose my wage for the hours I take off. Should I go for it, or should I just clutch myself together and work through the day?

I'd like some advice from you folks. Yesterday me and my gf had a fight about me being irresponsible, and I'm not in a good place mentally. I feel like going home for half the shift to take a mental break, but at the same time that would be an irresponsible thing to do and I'll lose my wage for the hours I take off. Should I go for it, or should I just clutch myself together and work through the day?

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