
maybe try this

Some of you could try what some people do in the USA when they come to this country. It's actually not a bad idea so hear me out. Get 4 guys 4 girls. Or whatever ur group prefers. But get a close nit group. Pool ur resources together to get a place to live. Some work. Some side hustle and some just stay home and keep up the place. Cycle so everyone has time to do this. You guys figure put how to spend but ur goal should be to get as much money into solid investments as u can. Like the s&p 500 that nets a 10% return. Their are ones out their that have a floor so u don't lose ur money. Just work that math on that with say 500 or so a month invested. I think you will be surprised when you guys as a group…

Some of you could try what some people do in the USA when they come to this country. It's actually not a bad idea so hear me out.

Get 4 guys 4 girls. Or whatever ur group prefers. But get a close nit group. Pool ur resources together to get a place to live. Some work. Some side hustle and some just stay home and keep up the place. Cycle so everyone has time to do this. You guys figure put how to spend but ur goal should be to get as much money into solid investments as u can. Like the s&p 500 that nets a 10% return. Their are ones out their that have a floor so u don't lose ur money.

Just work that math on that with say 500 or so a month invested. I think you will be surprised when you guys as a group could legit not work again. But the beauty of it is with a good group you can get time to figure shit out ect. Maybe half work for 1 year then switch off. Take a year off. As a group keeping a place nice and tidy would take an 30 mins a day. The rest of the day/year is up to u.

Let's be honest. It's not going to change anytime soon. Instead of being mad about and causing urslef daily stress. Just think outside the box. This works but us as Americans have to much insecurities to group up it seems like.

Did you know.
You don't have to be married to get on someone's health insurance. You just have to live together.

Also you can run multiple insurances for doc visits. This makes you have to pay lil to no cost for even major surgery. 200 bucks to have my daughter delivered.

Don't forget to look up all the write offs for taxes when you put ur non working roommates as dependents.

This is getting long. So I will end it with this. Play the game but find a way to cheat because we know that the 1% don't play by the rules.

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