
Me: 1, POS Boss: 0

My employer has been dodging me for months regarding my unpaid performance bonus. Performance bonuses are discretionary and based on effort (I had worked +200 hours OT during the fiscal year in question) but are ultimately based on company profit. I know the company is profitable and many, if not all my colleagues, received performance bonuses. After making multiple email and in-person inquires over the past few months without any response, I was fed up. So the other day I walked into my boss' office and demanded to know the status of the situation. Turns out, the decision had been made that my signing bonus (given a year prior upon my first pay) was my performance bonus. These two bonuses are not related in any way as per my employment agreement and will form the basis of my legal case. This guy is so full of shit I could smell…

My employer has been dodging me for months regarding my unpaid performance bonus. Performance bonuses are discretionary and based on effort (I had worked +200 hours OT during the fiscal year in question) but are ultimately based on company profit. I know the company is profitable and many, if not all my colleagues, received performance bonuses.

After making multiple email and in-person inquires over the past few months without any response, I was fed up. So the other day I walked into my boss' office and demanded to know the status of the situation. Turns out, the decision had been made that my signing bonus (given a year prior upon my first pay) was my performance bonus. These two bonuses are not related in any way as per my employment agreement and will form the basis of my legal case.

This guy is so full of shit I could smell it from a mile away. Upon further probing, this supposed decision was made with the president of the company many months ago without any attempt to communicate this information to myself. This clown admitted to knowing about this months ago and sat on it. I also suspect he acted alone and the president is now implicated.

I resigned on the spot and walked out. Upon further discussion with my attorney, we've determined that by my boss claiming my signing bonus was my performance bonus, this implies the performance benefit is not discretionary. Basically, the bonus in question would have been given regardless of work done (0 hours or +500 hours). This is not in my employment agreement (my clown boss also signed this document) and is a breach of contract. I am suing my boss and I can't wait to watch his greedy ass squirm.

Lesson of the day: Make sure you read and understand your employment contracts and don't let greedy liars take advantage of you!

TLDR: My employer is so greedy that he made up a lie regarding my performance bonus. In the process, he got so caught up in his web of lies he admitted to breaching my employment agreement and also implicated the president of the company. I resigned and will be suing!

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