
Me talking about my wages caused my colleagues to increase theirs.

I am a specialist in a certain store earning the equivalent of roughly 4500 dollars per month at the time of this story I earned around 4200 a month. My store was going through a slower time so I was loaned out (with my permission) to another store in the country. In that store the working pace was alot higher as all the specialists had agreed to take more clients as the demand was so high. Normally I have in an 8 hour workday 13-14 meetings with clients. But in this store it was around 20 meetings. In this new store one of my peers who had alot more experience asked me about my wage and I answered honestly. Turns out they only earned around 3000 dollars a month and was hard to get raises. When I get back to my normal store I get chewed out. That I'm not…

I am a specialist in a certain store earning the equivalent of roughly 4500 dollars per month at the time of this story I earned around 4200 a month.

My store was going through a slower time so I was loaned out (with my permission) to another store in the country.

In that store the working pace was alot higher as all the specialists had agreed to take more clients as the demand was so high. Normally I have in an 8 hour workday 13-14 meetings with clients. But in this store it was around 20 meetings.

In this new store one of my peers who had alot more experience asked me about my wage and I answered honestly. Turns out they only earned around 3000 dollars a month and was hard to get raises.

When I get back to my normal store I get chewed out. That I'm not supposed to discuss my wage with other people. I tell them that it is my right to do so as it is good not only for them but me as well. As if their wage is increased it is easier to raise my own wage as well.

Turns out that the specialists at the other store all banded together and for raises. They got the raises not to match my wage but I think around 800 dollars more each a month. They claimed that it was easier to get specialists to their city than mine and therefore my wage was higher. Though that wasn't entirely true in my opinion. Anyway happy to help my colleagues increase their wages.

Tldr Told colleagues my wage increased colleagues wage by 800 dollar a month

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