
Meeting with possible racist/sexist boss

So I work in a scif so no recordings are allowed but work in a hostile environment where people are leaving every week. This looks bad for management who hires the horrible bosses under them. The problem is that the main manager is hiring people who are friends amongst themselves and have each other's back so these bosses can do whatever they want and cover their asses. The brown nosing and asskissing is incredible here. I am pending a tuition reimbursement and another qualification that will make me more marketable for jobs that this company is paying for so I don't want to quit just yet but the boss I have now picks only on me. She is very sensitive and high strung so anything gets to her. She watches only me like a hawk and watches whenever only I get up while everyone else especially men are getting up…

So I work in a scif so no recordings are allowed but work in a hostile environment where people are leaving every week. This looks bad for management who hires the horrible bosses under them. The problem is that the main manager is hiring people who are friends amongst themselves and have each other's back so these bosses can do whatever they want and cover their asses. The brown nosing and asskissing is incredible here.

I am pending a tuition reimbursement and another qualification that will make me more marketable for jobs that this company is paying for so I don't want to quit just yet but the boss I have now picks only on me. She is very sensitive and high strung so anything gets to her. She watches only me like a hawk and watches whenever only I get up while everyone else especially men are getting up constantly to buy food water smoke or bathroom break. There is no way to trust anyone here but since I work where I work I can only talk to certain people at my work. The people she likes say mean, rude, racist, sexist things and take very long breaks and get up every hour but she pays no attention to them only me. I have seen specialists and other doctors since her friend and my former supervisor complained I took too long of a break when I went to the bathroom. Too long means over 10 minutes. I have to drink water with the medication I take and I have to constantly go to the bathroom during the day.

When I told her about how long I should take a bathroom break for she got very snappy and told me she doesn't care nor what I do during my break but to keep my break under ten minutes. Just recently I had a break with 4 other people I work with to discuss work related issues that didn't have to do with the bosses and she only picked me out of the 4 to have a talk that I took too long of a break. She forwarded the email to her boss and arranged a meeting. What to do in this case? A colleague which I don't trust but talk to said this boss was one of the better ones she had since she started working here which I just cant believe. I had other bosses at this company who were much better.

I annotated everything down with date and time since I can't record anything but I am wondering if I should just say I will comply at the meeting and say I have medication and recommended that I drink more water thru the day that will cause me to get up more often. It also doesn't help that we work in a very large building so it's constant hurrying and speed walking here. Should I just say that this boss monitors only me? I think this other boss will just cover for this horrible one but I am not totally sure since people are leaving and they seem to want to retain people. She also gave me the poorest annual review despite the men she loves sleeping and talking at work all day. She has also had romantic relationships with some men at work.

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