
Meetings Scheduled During Time Stated Unavailable During Interview

Basically what the title says. TLDR at bottom I work third shift specifically because that’s what works with my family dynamic (one kid in school one kid not fiancé does 2nd shift). During my interview I made it clear that I can’t work between 1pm and 11pm on weekdays. When I was hired I was told I’d get hired at 16 after training I’d get 17 and a month after that I’d get between 18-20 based on my performance. I was alone after 2 days they said my trainings done. Didn’t get the 17 until a month later. That month I msgd the boss and told him how I enjoyed working there and to let me know what I could be doing if anything better. I mean who doesn’t want 20? I never received a reply. I asked another time a little later. Again no reply. The month was over…

Basically what the title says. TLDR at bottom

I work third shift specifically because that’s what works with my family dynamic (one kid in school one kid not fiancé does 2nd shift). During my interview I made it clear that I can’t work between 1pm and 11pm on weekdays.

When I was hired I was told I’d get hired at 16 after training I’d get 17 and a month after that I’d get between 18-20 based on my performance. I was alone after 2 days they said my trainings done. Didn’t get the 17 until a month later. That month I msgd the boss and told him how I enjoyed working there and to let me know what I could be doing if anything better. I mean who doesn’t want 20? I never received a reply. I asked another time a little later. Again no reply.

The month was over and I didn’t receive the raise. Then 2 checks came without the raise. When I inquired about it to the boss he said it’s because I’ve never gone to a meeting.

M:okay does the other third shifter go to meetings?
B:She calls in
M: I didn’t realize that was an option I’d be glad to do that.
B: no, you need to come in we do physical things. These meetings are state mandated. I’ll put in your raise but you need to come to meetings.

I didn’t want to continue the conversation anymore as he was escalating and seemed to me like he was pulling shit out of his ass. Besides I was up all night and tired. But I wish I recorded it.

So why not tell me hey things are great just make sure you come to a meeting?

The past 6 months I’ve worked here we’ve had 2 meetings scheduled for 1:45 on Wednesday. Tomorrow (Tuesday) there is a meeting at 1:45 and another one the following Tuesday at 1:45.

Is it legal for him to demand me to attend a meeting that was clearly out of my availability? I’m in Wisconsin.

Btw when I asked about my performance and only getting the 18 I was told 18 is enough in today’s world and they can’t afford to pay more. This is the same company that doesn’t pay benefits to almost all employees and charges resident 5k for an apartment.
It’s an assisted living home. So it’s basically all for medical.

TLDR: boss keeps scheduling mandated meetings outside my availability as stated in my interview.

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