
Memorable Job interview.

Recently I had an interview with a company scheduled. One evening around 5pm,3 days prior to the agreed date, they called and asked me to come in the next morning at 9am. I reluctantly agreed and at last minute found childcare arrangements with my mother in law. Anyway the next morning, my mother in law hadn’t woken up and wasn’t answering the door. She had just done a 12 hour night shift in a hospital. I decided to take my son to the interview. Got there for about 08:50am. I informed reception of my arrival then proceeded to wait for almost 30 minutes with my son, who hadn’t had his breakfast so was a little grumpy. Numerous occasions I debated walking out, but I was out of work and I needed this job. I had no money! Eventually I’m greeted by 2 Managers who then proceed to tell me about…

Recently I had an interview with a company scheduled. One evening around 5pm,3 days prior to the agreed date, they called and asked me to come in the next morning at 9am. I reluctantly agreed and at last minute found childcare arrangements with my mother in law.

Anyway the next morning, my mother in law hadn’t woken up and wasn’t answering the door. She had just done a 12 hour night shift in a hospital.

I decided to take my son to the interview. Got there for about 08:50am. I informed reception of my arrival then proceeded to wait for almost 30 minutes with my son, who hadn’t had his breakfast so was a little grumpy.

Numerous occasions I debated walking out, but I was out of work and I needed this job. I had no money!

Eventually I’m greeted by 2 Managers who then proceed to tell me about their work history and then tell me all about the company and the job I’ve applied for etc…..

Then they both proceed to emphasise to me the importance of “Punctuality” and how lateness and unauthorised absences can affect the company etc

At this point I cut them off and told them how I pride myself on my punctuality, having never been late or had sick days with previous employers. I also explained how I had so many hurdles to jump through to ensure I met their last minute changes regarding the interview to get there on time, yet both of them were 30 minutes late and due to their lack of punctuality they are lucky I didn’t walk out.

I could see they were both gobsmacked, and a short silent pause followed. I was wonderful.

Anyway, didn’t get the job. Found out in less than 12 hours, via email.

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