
Mental shrieking so word vomming online

I quit my job today, no notice. I was planning on quitting but I didn’t go in today because I’ve been doing 6 day weeks and I’m exhausted so I figured I’d seen the bookings and wasn’t needed. I got hounded for it. So I quit. But now I’m unemployed. Which Ive never been. Bills are through the rough, everything is getting more expensive. I think I fucked up.

I quit my job today, no notice. I was planning on quitting but I didn’t go in today because I’ve been doing 6 day weeks and I’m exhausted so I figured I’d seen the bookings and wasn’t needed. I got hounded for it. So I quit. But now I’m unemployed. Which Ive never been. Bills are through the rough, everything is getting more expensive. I think I fucked up.

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