
Mentally preparing to ask for a raise…

So soon I’ll be training a new employee. I usually do everything by myself at my job and am glad to have someone coming on to help me BUT they have no prior hands on experience. So I’ll be doing a lot of training and making time for them to practice, taking away from actual production time. I obviously want to ask for a raise. This is extra work for me. However, my boss has already failed to deliver a raise and bonus he promised me at the beginning of the summer for the end of the summer. When I approached him in September about it, because he basically ghosted me about it, he made me feel like I was out of line for asking. Such as saying “everyone else is working just as hard” and “I haven’t paid myself since May. The business owes me $40k” (meanwhile I make…

So soon I’ll be training a new employee. I usually do everything by myself at my job and am glad to have someone coming on to help me BUT they have no prior hands on experience. So I’ll be doing a lot of training and making time for them to practice, taking away from actual production time. I obviously want to ask for a raise. This is extra work for me. However, my boss has already failed to deliver a raise and bonus he promised me at the beginning of the summer for the end of the summer. When I approached him in September about it, because he basically ghosted me about it, he made me feel like I was out of line for asking. Such as saying “everyone else is working just as hard” and “I haven’t paid myself since May. The business owes me $40k” (meanwhile I make about $30k a year). So obviously I’m wary of asking for a raise but will be kicking myself if I don’t stand up for myself.

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