
Merchandising Work Is Good

I quit a management position a couple years ago due to a lot of various reasons, biggest being they eliminated my dept. and had no good place for me to transition I would like. So I went back to merchandising work. I have done this work as a job few times over the years . If you can self manage and schedule, it's very flexible and not bad paying. I work for 3 companies at once and stay busy. One does mostly larger short term (3 months max) travel based projects so only work for them seasonally. Others have local work montlhy i can do for steady imcome. Most my expenses are tax deductible. Anyone wants to know more just ask.

I quit a management position a couple years ago due to a lot of various reasons, biggest being they eliminated my dept. and had no good place for me to transition I would like. So I went back to merchandising work.
I have done this work as a job few times over the years . If you can self manage and schedule, it's very flexible and not bad paying. I work for 3 companies at once and stay busy. One does mostly larger short term (3 months max) travel based projects so only work for them seasonally. Others have local work montlhy i can do for steady imcome. Most my expenses are tax deductible. Anyone wants to know more just ask.

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