
Messed up and now I’m disappointed in my coworkers.

A coworker of mine who has been vocal about pointing out less than ethical practices recently got managed out. My workplace has been very vocal about how damaging discussing wages is “for the company” and isn't tolerated. After my coworker was fired I found out he made quite a bit more than me in the groupchat. I shared what I was being paid too…. and no one else shared after that. They just ignored it. I feel a bit humiliated because that tells me I'm probably making quite a bit less than them and they'd rather keep that to themselves than share. Reviews are coming up and I want to insist on more pay as I desperately need it but there's no way for me to have leverage without admiting to my bosses I ignored their expressed (albeit wrong) wishes and discussed wage. Im just so tried of people in…

A coworker of mine who has been vocal about pointing out less than ethical practices recently got managed out. My workplace has been very vocal about how damaging discussing wages is “for the company” and isn't tolerated. After my coworker was fired I found out he made quite a bit more than me in the groupchat. I shared what I was being paid too…. and no one else shared after that. They just ignored it. I feel a bit humiliated because that tells me I'm probably making quite a bit less than them and they'd rather keep that to themselves than share. Reviews are coming up and I want to insist on more pay as I desperately need it but there's no way for me to have leverage without admiting to my bosses I ignored their expressed (albeit wrong) wishes and discussed wage.

Im just so tried of people in this part of the US. They're bootlickers. They suck up and take whatever abuse their wealthy bosses dish out on the off chance they might get to wear the boot one day. I'm disappointed in them. All of them.

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