
Met up with my old best friend. He was “Promoted” to a new position. How do I tell him they’re fucking him over?

A friend of mine works in the same field that I do. He is very driven and learns quickly. He started with a company and was learning a lot from the only other I.T. employee. 3 months in, the employee quit and instead of hiring someone new, they told him that he could learn everything, take his time and would be solely responsible for all of their tech. It sounded horribly daunting for someone who was brand new to the company. Still – I knew he could handle it and was very excited for him. I told him, “I bet that came with a good raise!” “Not really bc they know the experience is more valuable in the long run for me.” Dude. What? You're telling me their head of I.T. left and they decided that they would just pocket that salary instead of hiring someone else or paying you…

A friend of mine works in the same field that I do. He is very driven and learns quickly. He started with a company and was learning a lot from the only other I.T. employee. 3 months in, the employee quit and instead of hiring someone new, they told him that he could learn everything, take his time and would be solely responsible for all of their tech.

It sounded horribly daunting for someone who was brand new to the company. Still – I knew he could handle it and was very excited for him. I told him, “I bet that came with a good raise!”

“Not really bc they know the experience is more valuable in the long run for me.”

Dude. What? You're telling me their head of I.T. left and they decided that they would just pocket that salary instead of hiring someone else or paying you more? You're called in to a board of directors meeting to un-mute the computer and they're saving money from this while you're frantic to learn everything that the company is built on?! No wonder the last person left.

I really don't know how to tell him they're fucking him over with that one move.

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