
[Meta] This place is just another repository for rage porn and fake posts

What I thought would eventually turn into a subreddit where we could spread information about community organizing, activism, and making changes to how western society approaches work culture, just turned into yet another AITA, relationshipadvice, JustNO___, etc. A bunch of bot accounts, teenagers who are desperate for attention, and karma farmers in general, looking to get the next good rage porn story in that will generate tens of thousands of upvotes, and hundreds of thousands in engagement, just to disappear off to have their accounts sold to the highest bidder. I had such high hopes for this place. It's a damn shame.

What I thought would eventually turn into a subreddit where we could spread information about community organizing, activism, and making changes to how western society approaches work culture, just turned into yet another AITA, relationshipadvice, JustNO___, etc. A bunch of bot accounts, teenagers who are desperate for attention, and karma farmers in general, looking to get the next good rage porn story in that will generate tens of thousands of upvotes, and hundreds of thousands in engagement, just to disappear off to have their accounts sold to the highest bidder.

I had such high hopes for this place. It's a damn shame.

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