
mfs be like “apply for a job” my brother in Christ none of them get back to me.

Seriously I live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere so there's very few places to apply to I've applied to almost ten different places and I've all been left on read basically. Zip, nothing. Uncaring cold and indifference. In this day and age with online applications I guess its normal to be rudely left with no response. Thats fucking stupid and I hate it. At least tell me to go fuck myself then at least I know that job is out of the picture. Ugh.

Seriously I live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere so there's very few places to apply to I've applied to almost ten different places and I've all been left on read basically. Zip, nothing. Uncaring cold and indifference. In this day and age with online applications I guess its normal to be rudely left with no response. Thats fucking stupid and I hate it. At least tell me to go fuck myself then at least I know that job is out of the picture. Ugh.

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