
Microbiology lab pays less than Walmart

Just a mini rant. I'm going to be turning down a job in a microbiology lab, because the pay is laughable. $15/hr part time with no benefits. This job would have been absolutely amazing for me. I would be making cultures from commercial samples, ensuring the safety of the end consumer by recalling dangerous foods. I was going to use this job to supplement my other job as a lab assistant for our chemistry 1 and 2 labs, which is also capped at part time and provides no benefits. After doing the math, even these two jobs wouldn't come close to providing a livable wage ($14/hr average between the two) Walmart starts at 18.50/hr in my area and has the option for full time with benefits. This is much closer to a living wage in my area. I feel like I have wasted all this time studying and trying to…

Just a mini rant. I'm going to be turning down a job in a microbiology lab, because the pay is laughable. $15/hr part time with no benefits. This job would have been absolutely amazing for me. I would be making cultures from commercial samples, ensuring the safety of the end consumer by recalling dangerous foods. I was going to use this job to supplement my other job as a lab assistant for our chemistry 1 and 2 labs, which is also capped at part time and provides no benefits. After doing the math, even these two jobs wouldn't come close to providing a livable wage ($14/hr average between the two)

Walmart starts at 18.50/hr in my area and has the option for full time with benefits. This is much closer to a living wage in my area. I feel like I have wasted all this time studying and trying to become a better, more intelligent person. Without a PhD or masters in my field (biochemistry), I could work full time and still end up hopeless and homeless. I have two kids and I feel like I am setting a horrible example for them, but I don't know what else I could possibly do. Giving up on my life goals is the only way that I can continue living and providing for my kids.

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