
Micromanagement is a big deal, and it’s not just in formal work settings. Anywhere, anytime, there are people out there that assume you only do things because they dictate every little aspect, and I’m *sick of it*

You know the people I'm talking about already, the people that think you wouldn't get out of bed every morning unless they were there to remind you. The problem with microamangement is the insidious nature of “it's just a small thing!” Exactly, why are you dictating me down to the tiniest level? What makes you think you have the right to instruct me down to the finest detail? Your obsessive-compulsive disorder isn't on the world to fulfill, and you need to get a fucking grip. The problem is not only does it not leave people to solve their own problems, but it also eventually goes on to gaslight the person that's being ordered around that the only reason they do things is because somebody else tells them, which isn't true (“superstition”), and so these people with OCD often end up seemingly removed from everyday reality (which they sorta are). In…

You know the people I'm talking about already, the people that think you wouldn't get out of bed every morning unless they were there to remind you.

The problem with microamangement is the insidious nature of “it's just a small thing!”

Exactly, why are you dictating me down to the tiniest level? What makes you think you have the right to instruct me down to the finest detail?

Your obsessive-compulsive disorder isn't on the world to fulfill, and you need to get a fucking grip.

The problem is not only does it not leave people to solve their own problems, but it also eventually goes on to gaslight the person that's being ordered around that the only reason they do things is because somebody else tells them, which isn't true (“superstition”), and so these people with OCD often end up seemingly removed from everyday reality (which they sorta are).

In such a society where everybody was like that, we would never solve our own problems, just stand in line waiting to hear public consensus as we nervously pulled all our own hair out (you couldn't force me with a gun to endure a world like that, let alone try to guilttrip me into compliance, rofl).

This is my problem with “reminders” about chores, because what started as “innocent” eventually evolves into an informal job-detail that assumes the person microamanaging is the only reason anything gets done, which is why I ignore mistakes being pointed out when I didn't ask (to reiterate, “superstition”).

I'm not learning my lessons, you're just dictating yours — I have to learn for myself, just like everyone does, and as comforting as it would be, no, you can't trust public consensus, i.e., any one person, because it's never universally contextually relevant which while scary, also is evidence of how you're capable of being the one of evolving methods (i.e., take from one place it's theft, take from a thousand places and you're a researcher solving actual problems and putting the pain/effort/time in).

The cowardly attitude is one I refuse to put up with any longer, and I'm officially blocking it from my life.

My response to any kind of inquiry from now on regarding my tier-1 and tier-2 needs (physiological and survival, such as eating, breathing, bathing, and shelter) is “it'll get done when it gets done”.

I'm not justifying myself. I'm not rationalizing myself. I'm not explaining myself. I'm not pretending like I didn't know that I'm behind already. I'm not “hopping up” or “going the extra mile” and costing myself progress down the line for you, nor am I going to explain out loud that I do value feedback obsessively, it's just that anybody not valuing my autonomy isn't entitled to having their advice acknowledged.

Stop treating people like shit and I'll stop blocking your advice, because remembering how to solve and learn for ourselves is 1,000x more important than learning how to follow instructions that never cover all circumstances, and I won't allow the attitude to continue covertly (I'm mad you're doing it to me, I'm livid that you do it to everyone).

You don't have a “right” to inform me of anything (nor to guilt trip people that don't conform). I read, explore, contemplate, and re-evaluate myself plenty, and using “every method being equally valid” as a way of ignoring application of personal context and trying to force your methods on people isn't just revolting, it's insane.

Tl;dr, microamanagement isn't annoying, it's pathetic. People need to get a life and stop being so fucking sweaty about people making their own mistakes and learning their own lessons. Start focusing on the small details in your own life, rather than perfecting the art of how you can just point out things you don't like and waiting for people to sort them out for you.

It's not “helpful”, it's dehumanizing and selfish.

You're not “detail oriented”, you're a walking, talking, loud-mouthed anal cavity, and I'm tired of your shit.

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