
Micromanaging Boss – should I just leave?

I started a job about 3 months ago and since I started my boss has been micromanaging the shit out of me and I have never experienced this before so I’m not really sure what to do. Here’s are a few examples of stuff she doesn’t like and has told me to change: Being left handed (I can’t type numbers on the keyboard with just my right hand without looking at the keyboard). Really doesn’t impact my work at all. Every single email, report, table and text has to be the exact same size, exact font size and she seems to tell me different things each time she doesn’t like my formatting. The subjects of emails I send out have to be exactly how she wants them The contents of my emails to customers. Ie she has explicitly told me I have to greet customers in every single email saying…

I started a job about 3 months ago and since I started my boss has been micromanaging the shit out of me and I have never experienced this before so I’m not really sure what to do. Here’s are a few examples of stuff she doesn’t like and has told me to change:

  • Being left handed (I can’t type numbers on the keyboard with just my right hand without looking at the keyboard). Really doesn’t impact my work at all.

  • Every single email, report, table and text has to be the exact same size, exact font size and she seems to tell me different things each time she doesn’t like my formatting.

  • The subjects of emails I send out have to be exactly how she wants them

  • The contents of my emails to customers. Ie she has explicitly told me I have to greet customers in every single email saying “hope you are well, good morning, use their name”. It is so repetitively overly friendly to the point of being ingenuous.

  • I have to be at my desk 5-10 mins before I am meant to start. I normally do this anyway but if I get in exactly on time she doesn’t like it.

The annoying thing is, most of these things she doesn’t even do herself. She will also go back on things she has trained me on and tell me I’m doing it wrong or tell me the guy that was in my position before could do things way quicker than me (he did it for 3 years, no wonder).

I am still on my probationary period so I’m playing along right now but another guy on my team basically told me he ignores it now. I don’t know whether to put up with her or just tell her it’s ridiculous, or just to leave all together and find a new job.

I also should mention I don’t know if it’s a culture thing. She is Korean and we are in the UK.

Any advice appreciated.

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