
Micromanagment HELL

Hey there, So, my manager has taken on a new “style” of management which can be summed up as micromanagement. Basically, he wants us to put a metric on every task we do during the day meaning we have to account for every minute. For example, I get an email from my direct supervisor that lays out my day according to how long each task should take me. task 1 – 45 minutes task 2 – 2.5 hours (about 30 minutes for every sub-task) etc…. I feel incredibly uncomfortable because I feel like there is no wiggle room at all. Like, am I allowed to go to the bathroom? Should I time that as well? Will I get in trouble for taking my eyes off the screen to look outside for a minute? I know this is going to sound crazy but I feel conflicted. This job affords me a…

Hey there,

So, my manager has taken on a new “style” of management which can be summed up as micromanagement. Basically, he wants us to put a metric on every task we do during the day meaning we have to account for every minute. For example, I get an email from my direct supervisor that lays out my day according to how long each task should take me.

task 1 – 45 minutes

task 2 – 2.5 hours (about 30 minutes for every sub-task)


I feel incredibly uncomfortable because I feel like there is no wiggle room at all. Like, am I allowed to go to the bathroom? Should I time that as well? Will I get in trouble for taking my eyes off the screen to look outside for a minute?

I know this is going to sound crazy but I feel conflicted. This job affords me a four day workweek and a chance to work remotely. I know there are other options out there but it feels like I'm kind of stuck to put up with this until I at least finish school. I'm wondering if there's a kosher way of bringing up to my bosses that this micromanagement style is making me extremely uncomfortable.

Also, I will note that it is not just me they are micromanaging but every department. We have a new hire starting today and she is included on the email. Her new tasks are also laid out based on the length of time they should take and idk…if I ever started a new company and saw that I would be like NOPE. Major red flag.

So yeah idk. I know this is antiwork and ya'll are going to say quit that awful job and while I'd like to in due time, I also kind of want to see if anyone has advice or past experience in dealing with a micromanaging boss.

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