
Mid-year Review – “peer reviews”

Working in a white collar work environment, and our management is asking for “a list of stakeholders and peers who can provide feedback on your work.” Here’s the deal: Nowhere in the HR materials does it say peer reviews are part of the review process There’s invariably one asshole who they’ll get input from who will throw you under the bus (usually the person who doesn’t know what they’re doing but thinks you’re the problem) The review will mostly be based on the person from #2, ignoring the great input from everyone else I’ve never been asked for feedback on anyone, especially my managers Thoughts? Anyone else deal with similar situations? (If I were the CEO, I’d end performance reviews in a heartbeat)

Working in a white collar work environment, and our management is asking for “a list of stakeholders and peers who can provide feedback on your work.”

Here’s the deal:

  1. Nowhere in the HR materials does it say peer reviews are part of the review process

  2. There’s invariably one asshole who they’ll get input from who will throw you under the bus (usually the person who doesn’t know what they’re doing but thinks you’re the problem)

  3. The review will mostly be based on the person from #2, ignoring the great input from everyone else

  4. I’ve never been asked for feedback on anyone, especially my managers

Thoughts? Anyone else deal with similar situations?

(If I were the CEO, I’d end performance reviews in a heartbeat)

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