
“Middle Class” is a Lie

To be clear, all links lead to the same video at different points. ​ This video does a very good explaining why this entire subreddit even exists. There are only 2 classes. Workers and Capitalists… ​ Here is probably the most clear and hard hitting point in the video (though the whole tihng is worth a watch). ​ And if that feels weird, there is no such thing as the lower class…you are on the same team…This also leads into the murky waters of those who work, while also owning a business…SURPRISE! Small businesses are not meant to exist! ​ And chances are, and according to the subs own rules, you are not a capitalist.

To be clear, all links lead to the same video at different points.

This video does a very good explaining why this entire subreddit even exists. There are only 2 classes. Workers and Capitalists…

Here is probably the most clear and hard hitting point in the video (though the whole tihng is worth a watch).

And if that feels weird, there is no such thing as the lower class…you are on the same team…This also leads into the murky waters of those who work, while also owning a business…SURPRISE! Small businesses are not meant to exist!

And chances are, and according to the subs own rules, you are not a capitalist.

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