
Might be fired just because I’m part-time

So first off, I’m part time because I’m going to school full time. I pay out of pocket and need to work a decent amount of hours to do so. I’ve been at this job for almost three years now and this 4th quarter specifically seems like it’s going to suck (I work in a fulfillment center not Amazon for those who are wondering). I say that because according to a former supervisor (who I still work with just department changes) told me that management is handing out “agreements” to all part time employees saying if we don’t work Black Friday through the following Tuesday then we will be terminated. I have checked the employee handbook and there is no information about part time overtime, which I’m assuming means that “mandatory” overtime doesn’t apply. In fact, that’s what I’ve been told by multiple supervisors and leads that I have worked…

So first off, I’m part time because I’m going to school full time. I pay out of pocket and need to work a decent amount of hours to do so.

I’ve been at this job for almost three years now and this 4th quarter specifically seems like it’s going to suck (I work in a fulfillment center not Amazon for those who are wondering). I say that because according to a former supervisor (who I still work with just department changes) told me that management is handing out “agreements” to all part time employees saying if we don’t work Black Friday through the following Tuesday then we will be terminated.

I have checked the employee handbook and there is no information about part time overtime, which I’m assuming means that “mandatory” overtime doesn’t apply. In fact, that’s what I’ve been told by multiple supervisors and leads that I have worked under before. I’m at the most hours I can work where I can still focus on my studies and have time for classes. I don’t get benefits, bonuses, or any other incentives for hard work and long hours like any full time employee does, which is understandable as I’ve made the choice to go to college. But the fact that they’re threatening termination seems extremely harsh.

Now, I’m asking for any advice on how to get the days off that I need in order to prepare for finals, take finals, and do my regular school work and go to my classes (I have some late classes as that is just how it sometimes works out that run through my shift). Unfortunately though, I work in Utah, meaning they can fire me for no reason.

Any advice that you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated! I plan on writing an email to my director, my manager, and HR for this as well. My second option is finding a new job but I don’t know if I’ll be able to find something that pays me enough to sustain paying out of pocket.
Thank you!

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