
might get fire for stealing even though I stole nothing

I work as a bartender. We have snacks and we are allowed to eat the snacks as long as we ring them up and pay for them. Every day I ring the snacks up before I eat them and pin the receipt to this board we have. Since I work for tips at the end of the day I add up my receipts and put money in the till for the food. I was informed yesterday I may be let go for theft because I haven't been putting money in the till for each snack as I ring it up. Every single snack has always been rang up and my books have never been short even $.01 No warning no one told me I have been doing it wrong, my manager even said it was fine. But the district manager found out and now I am being let go.

I work as a bartender. We have snacks and we are allowed to eat the snacks as long as we ring them up and pay for them. Every day I ring the snacks up before I eat them and pin the receipt to this board we have. Since I work for tips at the end of the day I add up my receipts and put money in the till for the food.

I was informed yesterday I may be let go for theft because I haven't been putting money in the till for each snack as I ring it up. Every single snack has always been rang up and my books have never been short even $.01

No warning no one told me I have been doing it wrong, my manager even said it was fine. But the district manager found out and now I am being let go.

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