
Might lose one job and then would lose my other job because jobs won’t give fixed schedules.

I got lucky with one fixed schedule job. Then I got lucky with another that did not clash. Now I might lose one job and have to go back into the job market. I would lose the other because jobs want complete availability, weekends, and holidays. My other job falls some days on holidays. And one day falls on the weekend. I’m exhausted with trying to survive and have yet to find a job to pay me enough that I don’t need a second job. My coworkers and I have asked for more shifts and got denied. They don’t give enough hours to anybody. What is it about jobs? They all wanting us at all hours of the day.

I got lucky with one fixed schedule job. Then I got lucky with another that did not clash. Now I might lose one job and have to go back into the job market. I would lose the other because jobs want complete availability, weekends, and holidays. My other job falls some days on holidays. And one day falls on the weekend. I’m exhausted with trying to survive and have yet to find a job to pay me enough that I don’t need a second job. My coworkers and I have asked for more shifts and got denied. They don’t give enough hours to anybody. What is it about jobs? They all wanting us at all hours of the day.

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