
Min Wage in 1982 was $3.35/hr…that’s worth 10.30/hr now…

That means that 7.35 now is actually much less than it was then. BTW, I was paid 3.35 when I started working over 40 years ago… Oh, and if minimum wage has increased proportionately to CEO pay over the past 40 year, it would be well over 40 bucks an hour…fuck 15 an hour. 45 bucks an hour is the new 15. Start marching for it and taking to the streets over it. Workers get nothing without making meaningful and forceful demands for it. You cannot have a Revolution without Revolutionaries. You can't have agitation without Agitators. Demand it all and concede nothing. Power is in the hands of the people and the people have no idea they have it. Oh, and before any apologists come in and say that businesses can't pay peeps that much since they will go out of business…GOOD! I say to that. No enterprise should…

That means that 7.35 now is actually much less than it was then. BTW, I was paid 3.35 when I started working over 40 years ago…

Oh, and if minimum wage has increased proportionately to CEO pay over the past 40 year, it would be well over 40 bucks an hour…fuck 15 an hour. 45 bucks an hour is the new 15. Start marching for it and taking to the streets over it.

Workers get nothing without making meaningful and forceful demands for it. You cannot have a Revolution without Revolutionaries. You can't have agitation without Agitators.

Demand it all and concede nothing. Power is in the hands of the people and the people have no idea they have it.

Oh, and before any apologists come in and say that businesses can't pay peeps that much since they will go out of business…GOOD! I say to that. No enterprise should exist if it cannot pay people a good wage.

We need a society that produces the things people need like housing, schools, hospitals, roads, scientific centers, museums, concert halls, parks and other things of need. We do not need a system producing a lot of rubber dog shit simply to make a few parasites richer.

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