
Minimum wage and coffee breaks.

Background information: I used to work trades for years but due to physical problems decided to go to school and recently got a part time job a few days a week. It was at a liquor store and surprisingly physical for minimum wage. The place also has no break room or water cooler which is lame but it's 60 seconds to my house so no biggie. I just found out on shift today that you only get one unpaid half hour break which while legal I have never seen in 10+ years working. So I did the only reasonable thing and walked out mid shift. Sent my boss a text and here we are. TLDR; discovered there aren't coffee breaks and quit on the spot

Background information: I used to work trades for years but due to physical problems decided to go to school and recently got a part time job a few days a week. It was at a liquor store and surprisingly physical for minimum wage. The place also has no break room or water cooler which is lame but it's 60 seconds to my house so no biggie.

I just found out on shift today that you only get one unpaid half hour break which while legal I have never seen in 10+ years working. So I did the only reasonable thing and walked out mid shift. Sent my boss a text and here we are.

TLDR; discovered there aren't coffee breaks and quit on the spot

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