
Minimum wage, or property prices?

I've been thinking lately, I'm all for increasing the minimum wage as everything currently stands, but it seems to me that the biggest reason that $15/hr is not a living wage is due to cost of shelter. Property prices are insane and rent is straight theft. I don't know about anyone else but the amount I spend on rent per month completely dwarfs the amount I spend on all my other basic necessities combined (food, water, clothes, etc.) if rent were hard capped at say.. $800/mo for a one bedroom, for example, I think $15/hr could be a totally comfortable wage.

I've been thinking lately, I'm all for increasing the minimum wage as everything currently stands, but it seems to me that the biggest reason that $15/hr is not a living wage is due to cost of shelter. Property prices are insane and rent is straight theft. I don't know about anyone else but the amount I spend on rent per month completely dwarfs the amount I spend on all my other basic necessities combined (food, water, clothes, etc.) if rent were hard capped at say..
$800/mo for a one bedroom, for example, I think $15/hr could be a totally comfortable wage.

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