
Mistreatment at work because of pregnancy.

I learned about my pregnancy early. As soon as my cycle was around a week late I knew I was pregnant. Around 8 to 9 weeks I was excited. Also around that time I had very scary experiences. I went to the ER twice once for cramping and another for bleeding and cramping. I was afraid of having a miscarriage so I told my employer so I can take it a little easy at work. Once my doctor told me everything was fine I let my boss know that I was ok to work as usual. My boss and I had a very close work relationship 7 years. I have always been a team player that took the extra mile without being asked and worked around 120-130 hours every 2 weeks and I was known for my great work. Well around my 3rd month I started having morning sickness and…

I learned about my pregnancy early. As soon as my cycle was around a week late I knew I was pregnant. Around 8 to 9 weeks I was excited. Also around that time I had very scary experiences. I went to the ER twice once for cramping and another for bleeding and cramping. I was afraid of having a miscarriage so I told my employer so I can take it a little easy at work. Once my doctor told me everything was fine I let my boss know that I was ok to work as usual. My boss and I had a very close work relationship 7 years. I have always been a team player that took the extra mile without being asked and worked around 120-130 hours every 2 weeks and I was known for my great work. Well around my 3rd month I started having morning sickness and major food aversion to meat. I work in food service so I was sick from the smell of meat often and vomited maybe 3 times while at work. This annoyed my boss and she did a entire 360 on me. She became very distant and short with me. Clearly my coworkers felt as if I was my boss favorite so they where happy to see the huge change in her attitude towards me. Work has been hell every since. I’m asked to do a larger work load sometimes than everyone else. In the past usually pregnant employees get put in easy areas like cashier or cleaning dining area which are both available. These areas also also allow sitting during down time. I pretty much get the cold shoulder and passive aggressive comments from not all but a lot of my coworkers. If I say something about the mistreatment I know my boss and HR (her friends) will do nothing about it. They will just nitpick until they find a reason to fire me. One of the shift managers and I are close and he told me that my boss and other managers don’t view me as valuable because of my pregnancy and are giving me a hard time in hopes that I’ll quit. I’m not given the option to sit down because we are always busy. And my boss purposely put me in extremely busy areas which is really hard on my body. I plan on putting in my two weeks notice while on maternity leave. I make decent money for a food service worker in a hospital 50k a year and I have great benefits amazing health insurance that’s the only reason why I’m still there. My body aches so bad when I get off. I’m 5 months now and trying my best to survive there. I feel so overwhelmed and hopeless.

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