
MMT and what taxes do.

So I see a lot of people on other subreddits and what not complaining about what their taxes do exactly. So I wanted to ask if any of you are familiar with modern monetary theory. And the idea that taxes dont directly fund government spending. Coz I see this idea thrown all over the place by both left and right sides of the political spectrum. So I support the idea of a good welfare state and a Job Guarantee for anyone that wants to work but doesn't want the bullshit that comes with private sector employment. And my understanding of Modern Monetary theory tells me that taxes don't need to be raised to provide these things. And that anyone saying my tax money is going to waste has bought in to the idea that government spending is funded by the hardworking taxpaying citizen and the unemployed, tax-evading are just people…

So I see a lot of people on other subreddits and what not complaining about what their taxes do exactly.
So I wanted to ask if any of you are familiar with modern monetary theory. And the idea that taxes dont directly fund government spending. Coz I see this idea thrown all over the place by both left and right sides of the political spectrum.
So I support the idea of a good welfare state and a Job Guarantee for anyone that wants to work but doesn't want the bullshit that comes with private sector employment.
And my understanding of Modern Monetary theory tells me that taxes don't need to be raised to provide these things. And that anyone saying my tax money is going to waste has bought in to the idea that government spending is funded by the hardworking taxpaying citizen and the unemployed, tax-evading are just people gaming/leaching off the system.
And I think this becomes a roadblock to any meaningful change toward the welfare of citizens. Welfare in my mind means(universal healthcare, universal education and universal basic services and universal means that access is guaranteed.

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