
moldy food update

Hey reddit, quick update here at work about my boss and the moldy food issue I posted about before. He finally got to hiring someone to fix the display cooler, because one of our regulars who comes in the morning had made a huge deal about it when she came in the morning and grabbed a breakfast sandwich from said display that was completely covered in mold. I had heard about it from my morning shift coworker, she had threatened legal action if it happened again (which we had warned my boss that was going to happen) so it's good to know where his priorities lie /s. All in all, I'm just glad the cooler is working properly now, but I forgot to update on you all about this as it happened a few days after I had posted about it

Hey reddit, quick update here at work about my boss and the moldy food issue I posted about before. He finally got to hiring someone to fix the display cooler, because one of our regulars who comes in the morning had made a huge deal about it when she came in the morning and grabbed a breakfast sandwich from said display that was completely covered in mold. I had heard about it from my morning shift coworker, she had threatened legal action if it happened again (which we had warned my boss that was going to happen) so it's good to know where his priorities lie /s.
All in all, I'm just glad the cooler is working properly now, but I forgot to update on you all about this as it happened a few days after I had posted about it

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