
Monday Rant – This sub has helped me become a stronger worker (Thank you)

So, the past two months, I've been working my ass off to achieve two qualifications for the clusterfuck of a job I work. Both allow us as a company to push for more work, cheapen some bills as I'm salaried, and all the while, my director has done zero. Sent a few pointless emails, pushed some paper, micromanages me but that has been it. Zero. Friday, I rtw after working from home for two days (not working, but sitting the second half of my course). I get pounced on Friday morning about some issues which have arisen with a client. Not a problem, client cancelled under 24hrs, their issue. Director keeps pushing for someone to see client. Negative. This needs re-booked, given the MONTHS this was booked in for. I eventually tell Director they need to talk with our other business to sort out the fees we're charging, since we…

So, the past two months, I've been working my ass off to achieve two qualifications for the clusterfuck of a job I work.

Both allow us as a company to push for more work, cheapen some bills as I'm salaried, and all the while, my director has done zero.

Sent a few pointless emails, pushed some paper, micromanages me but that has been it. Zero.

Friday, I rtw after working from home for two days (not working, but sitting the second half of my course).
I get pounced on Friday morning about some issues which have arisen with a client.

Not a problem, client cancelled under 24hrs, their issue.

Director keeps pushing for someone to see client. Negative. This needs re-booked, given the MONTHS this was booked in for.
I eventually tell Director they need to talk with our other business to sort out the fees we're charging, since we also need to recoup losses there.

Queue massive argument.

I touch upon:

Sexism (Calls ALL women he talks to “young lady”) – He hated being told it's an insult, and gave me a warning to quit
Micromanaging (I'm a 15+ year experienced Office Manager, with HR, Payroll and other backgrounds)
Direction of company (which is downward), amongst other things

Director “if you don't like it”, so I grab my stuff and calls me back as I'm halfway into the hall.
Stupid me, I return to continue argument.
Director “I feel there is something else going on” – The pace he was delivering it, was not far removed from “are you due/on?”.

I've been trying to get out of this shithole company for months, other companies know of the management of this company and stay clear which I do not blame.
All I want, is out. But they've got 3m notice. What a fool I was to not get that sorted when signing the contract.

Thankfully my partner is supporting me to quit, as soon as we get our house sorted out (we're trying to buy). Post getting keys, I'm quitting.

Thank you antiwork for helping me see my value and that I don't need shit jobs.

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