
Money in politics

I think people didn't realize how bad citizens united was because in 1991-2000 it was fine. then 9/11 happens, 2008 happens, the economy tanks. it's easy to blame the economic problems on those two things.. except now people saw the economy doing great after 2008 and they're jaded. I think that's why a lot of the videos about money in politics on YouTube came out in the past 9 years. Americans need to stop what they're doing and go protest to get money out of politics.

I think people didn't realize how bad citizens united was because in 1991-2000 it was fine. then 9/11 happens, 2008 happens, the economy tanks. it's easy to blame the economic problems on those two things.. except now people saw the economy doing great after 2008 and they're jaded. I think that's why a lot of the videos about money in politics on YouTube came out in the past 9 years.

Americans need to stop what they're doing and go protest to get money out of politics.

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