
Money is the tool of the rich.

Capitalism requires a circular flow of money. The problem is the banks, etc. take a cut out of every pass. No rocket science required to see that leaves less for us that actually provide a tangible input to society. The only way to defeat the rich bankers is to remove their tool $$. Bartering is currently the only method around cash bu what if there was a standard credit for everyone, and greed was treated as the evil it truly is. I believe that everyone has the capability to contribute to society in some manner. Maybe it is suffering the mind numbing boredom of an assembly line or designing a entirely new system of operating. BTW there already is a system for those who want to play but not contribute, it's called prison. Why don't companies employ as many people as possible, at say 30 hours per week? Because it…

Capitalism requires a circular flow of money. The problem is the banks, etc. take a cut out of every pass. No rocket science required to see that leaves less for us that actually provide a tangible input to society. The only way to defeat the rich bankers is to remove their tool $$. Bartering is currently the only method around cash bu what if there was a standard credit for everyone, and greed was treated as the evil it truly is.
I believe that everyone has the capability to contribute to society in some manner. Maybe it is suffering the mind numbing boredom of an assembly line or designing a entirely new system of operating. BTW there already is a system for those who want to play but not contribute, it's called prison.
Why don't companies employ as many people as possible, at say 30 hours per week? Because it lowers profits, that ever present bite out of that circular flow.
I once stopped the Teamsters Union from organizing our workforce. How? Simply treating them as I wanted to be treated, no rocket science required.

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