
Money to pay for training but not my salary

I just need to vent. I have my doctorate and I’ve been working with an institution that has been seemingly very interested in employing me. They have sent me to train to be an expert in my area and spent a lot of money to do so. They promised that if I completed said training I would receive an offer. I got the offer yesterday and it was tens of thousands below market. I feel humiliated! They had all this money to send me away for advanced training but stiff me at offer time? Im feeling so disappointed. I know that I can just not take it but I was really excited. I am stuck because if I don’t take it I might be unemployed while I find something else! It feels like they don’t find my work valuable. It’s crazy to me that management would risk me walking away…

I just need to vent. I have my doctorate and I’ve been working with an institution that has been seemingly very interested in employing me. They have sent me to train to be an expert in my area and spent a lot of money to do so. They promised that if I completed said training I would receive an offer.

I got the offer yesterday and it was tens of thousands below market.

I feel humiliated! They had all this money to send me away for advanced training but stiff me at offer time? Im feeling so disappointed. I know that I can just not take it but I was really excited. I am stuck because if I don’t take it I might be unemployed while I find something else!

It feels like they don’t find my work valuable. It’s crazy to me that management would risk me walking away after they invested so much in training.

Thanks for reading 🙁

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