
More Work for the Same Pay

I work in a mental health office as a secretary. Our MA left us a few weeks ago for a higher paying job (honestly good for her. She was way overworked and underpaid). I passively mentioned to my supervisor getting an MA certification, not because I'm really interested in it, but because I've been struggling financially, and the course is only 9 months long. My boss called me into her office the other day. She asked if I would like to take over some MA responsibilities. Namely taking vitals, collecting urine samples, and running the med refill line. She said these additional responsibilities will not come with a pay increase, but if I decide I like the work the company will pay for me to take an MA course. She also told me that even if I do get my MA certification I may be making the same amount. Here…

I work in a mental health office as a secretary. Our MA left us a few weeks ago for a higher paying job (honestly good for her. She was way overworked and underpaid). I passively mentioned to my supervisor getting an MA certification, not because I'm really interested in it, but because I've been struggling financially, and the course is only 9 months long.

My boss called me into her office the other day. She asked if I would like to take over some MA responsibilities. Namely taking vitals, collecting urine samples, and running the med refill line. She said these additional responsibilities will not come with a pay increase, but if I decide I like the work the company will pay for me to take an MA course. She also told me that even if I do get my MA certification I may be making the same amount.

Here is where everyone's calling me crazy: I agreed.

I swear I'm not a corporate bootlicker. I have a plan in place. My company does not give raises at all. Not for job tenure, or work performance, or anything. I've been told a few times that the only way I can be making more money within the company is if I get a bachelor's, or master's degree in some subject. The thing is, is that I kind of need to be making a livable wage now. I can't wait 4-6 years. I figure if I take on these extra responsibilities I can add them to my resume, and then use it to leverage a new job with better pay at a different company. I don't even need to do it for very long.

I don't really have any questions, or anything interesting to say. I just want to be validated that I'm not stupid, or crazy for agreeing to take on a bunch of extra work for no additional pay.

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