
More work, no change in designation, no pay increase

I need some advice. I've been working at a company now for almost a year. I work in a department that is supposed have 4 members. Since I was hired we've only had 3, me and 2 other members. Well a few months ago my 2 coworker quit. Right after annual raises. I got a raise before they left, not enough to keep up with inflation, the annual raise. When they left, I asked for a raise because I would now have to do the work of 4 ppl and I knew I was being underpaid. They said that since my role did not change, I could not get a raise. That if I wanted a raise I'd have to write down wait until next year. I started looking elsewhere. In the meantime, I've been doing the work with little help for months. The only thing I've gotten is thank…

I need some advice. I've been working at a company now for almost a year. I work in a department that is supposed have 4 members. Since I was hired we've only had 3, me and 2 other members. Well a few months ago my 2 coworker quit. Right after annual raises. I got a raise before they left, not enough to keep up with inflation, the annual raise. When they left, I asked for a raise because I would now have to do the work of 4 ppl and I knew I was being underpaid. They said that since my role did not change, I could not get a raise. That if I wanted a raise I'd have to write down wait until next year. I started looking elsewhere. In the meantime, I've been doing the work with little help for months. The only thing I've gotten is thank you, for your work.

I noticed that there were a few openings in another department so I asked about transferring. I was told that I'd have to wait until I have been there for a year and I'd need to receive approval from my current manager. The boss really does not sound like she would approve the transfer. She keeps says that I will be leading the new team and how she is glad that this department is now staffed. They have finally hired 2 new employees. My manager does not know how to do my work so I know that I'll end up training them. She has already asked about how to approach training when it comes.

I feel stuck because I have not found anything yet. I switched careers when I started working here so I need the experience. I do not want to train them. It is not a part of my job description. I'm not sure what to do?

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