
Morning Sickness/Dread/Stomach Issues

A lovely redditor made a post about the urge to want to call off everyday. That is me. I have actually fucked up jobs giving into this urge. I mentioned on the thread I had awful nausea in the morning, and I couldn't believe how many of you experience the same. It usually goes a little something like this. Within about ten seconds of opening my eyes, I feel dread. Intense dread. It is usually earlier than I need to be up, so I lay there with this awful anxiety. Part of me wants to stay under the covers until I absolutely have to get up, the other part thinks I should just get up and get going. The nausea is intense. I get down my coffee, but the thought of food in the morning makes me sick. I will gag as I'm getting ready and dry heave a few…

A lovely redditor made a post about the urge to want to call off everyday. That is me. I have actually fucked up jobs giving into this urge. I mentioned on the thread I had awful nausea in the morning, and I couldn't believe how many of you experience the same. It usually goes a little something like this.

Within about ten seconds of opening my eyes, I feel dread. Intense dread. It is usually earlier than I need to be up, so I lay there with this awful anxiety. Part of me wants to stay under the covers until I absolutely have to get up, the other part thinks I should just get up and get going. The nausea is intense. I get down my coffee, but the thought of food in the morning makes me sick. I will gag as I'm getting ready and dry heave a few times. Sometimes I shake and gag on my drive there. I always have the urge to just give up. The nausea usually relents as I get into the groove but sometimes I just feel gross all day.

Working full time has completely fucked my health. Sometimes I'm not even hungry at all during the workday and can't eat. Many days I get all my calories in after work, and sometimes it's really unhealthy because I am too exhausted to eat healthy or because I'm depressed and want comfort foods.

I have never felt so unhealthy. I miss the fucking lockdown. I'm unemployed right now and my stomach has been totally fine. I start a new job soon so here we go again.

Just wanted to start a conversation on how modern day life is literally making us sick

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